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Find here our coverage of all the photo festivals in the world.

National Geographic : The Photographic Seminar

As far as I can remember, it’s never been so cold during the National Geographic Photography Seminar. But the atmosphere was nice and warm. The participants—by invitation only—have never been…

Reviving LIFE

Recently, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter and Twentieth Century Fox hosted a cocktail party and screening for his former colleagues at LIFE magazine, where he worked in the 1980s. The…

Christine Ollier: Unseen, Amsterdam Unseen is an international photography fair focused on undiscovered photography talent and unseen work by established photographers. The second edition of Unseen Photo Fair was held from the 26th to…

Magnum Photos / Unicef

Magnums Photos has joined forces with UNICEF to raise awareness about a growing social issue in Mozambique: while the country is rich in oil and coal, the future of its…

Warsaw Photo Days

Warsaw Photo Days festival was initiated by its organizer, the Association of Polish Artists Photographers ZPAF Warsaw District in 2013. Its first edition will be held from October 4‐31, 2013…

Martin d’Orgeval

Middle Gate Geel ’13 is an international art event, curated by a renowned curator Jan Hoet and exhibited at numerous historical locations throughout the city of Geel. The exhibition, displaying…

Serkan Taycan

Following the wave of protest in Turkey, the Biennial’s has invited a few artists to present politically engaged works. Serkan Taycan has walked along the track of the soon-to-be second…


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