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Discover here our coverage of all the photographic exhibitions in the world, in galleries, museums or cultural spaces, with analyzes, reviews, interviews, and portfolios of images.

Hermano Noronha

Name: Hermano Noronha Portugal Born 1967 Lives in: Aveiro “Narrow Gauge” 12 MAY 1906 Was opened for exploration on this day the new line. […]…

Natasha Podunova–Visible

Stereotypes are keyword to common perceptions of people with disabilities. A stereotype of the sort says people with disabilities are kin to an isolated caste. We rarely meet them in…

William Guidarini

Une ville immense, multiple, innombrable, large de plusieurs jours de marche. L’Europe de l’Ouest, début du XXIème. Je pénètre dans ces immenses théâtres urbains tourbillonnants et seules les voix de…

Pascal Amoyel

This series was realised in the south of France during the few days of July 2012 when the Earth was at its longest distance to the sun. This appears to…

Pietro Sala

Dubrovnik, le Stradun, après-midi tardif de soleil. Notre guide explique la ville, son histoire, la domination de Venise, les commerces maritimes, les églises et les monuments , Saint Blaise et…

Lucile Marfaing

J'ai 21 ans et je suis française. Après des études d'histoire de l'art, je me suis spécialisée en cinéma et en photographie et je travaille sur l'oeuvre du photographe de…

Imrich Veber

Who is a city person? Today, more than two thirds of Europe’s population lives in cities. A knowledge of the historic genesis and of the economical, social and legal changes…

Carmelo Eramo

This is a work in progress, a travel diary in my land, Southern Italy, attempt to reconstruct memories of my past, to recall suggestions and visions of my childhood, to…


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