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Discover here our coverage of all the photographic exhibitions in the world, in galleries, museums or cultural spaces, with analyzes, reviews, interviews, and portfolios of images.

Willy Rizzo –Ode to Dance

Willy Rizzo is a jack of all trades. Society photographer, portraitist, war correspondent: he was one of the figureheads of Paris Match’s legendary photography staff. He also had a passion…

Stan Douglas –Malabar People

An exhibition of new photographic work by Vancouver artist Stan Douglas, reexamining historical, site-specific layers, particularly the imaging of postwar North American diversions from cabaret to sports.…

Modernism & Advertising Photography

Parker Stephenson Photographs is pleased to present Modernism and Advertising Photography 1920s - 1930s, an exhibition of vintage photographs by recognized masters and lesser-known American and European photographers. Photography did…


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