The scene seems to last forever – a caravaggesque rendering of some minor myth, in which the horror and splendor supersede the particulars of the obscure narrative.…

The scene seems to last forever – a caravaggesque rendering of some minor myth, in which the horror and splendor supersede the particulars of the obscure narrative.…
The series Avega - The Passion, by Indian artist Pushpamala N. is currently on display at the Nature Morte Gallery in New Delhi. The photographic story focuses on three…
My father Sam Haskins, in the last years of his life, maintained a regular correspondence with only one photographer, Charles Camberoque. They affectionately referred to each other as 'Uncle'. In…
The fifteen color portraits on the walls of the Messineo-Wyman Gallery in New York are of fighters and civilians from the Karen region, a state in Burma that has been…
In this series Attrition, I am attracted to learning more about mankind which is always somewhere between grace and harshness and between sacred and the profane. My models no longer…
Cedric Houin, 33, Aka Varial, and Fabrice Nadjari, 34, met in a Paris elementary school. Inseparable until the age of ten, they fell out of touch when they changed schools.…
Opening Thursday April 26, at Bruce Silverstein Gallery in Chelsea was an exhibit of photographs by Constantin Brancusi. Despite being very familiar with Brancusi’s work as a sculptor and…
The self-taught photographer Alex Prager is back with her new series Compulsion and a short film La Petite Mort. They offer a photographic plunge into the glorious world of American…
These are the final 6 portfolios selected by Christian Caujolle. He included this message with his selection: "Already a month has gone by! So many unexpected images. They came from…