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All photographic events in the world are listed in this section. Events such as photography exhibitions, festivals, art fairs, auctions… The Eye of Photography is the focal point to find the best photography events around you.

Photography : A Living Art – Then and Now

This display celebrates recently acquired portraits by contemporary artists whose work joins the recent revival of early photographic processes.…

Abed Abidat’s book Algeroid

Released on October 19, 2018 by the editions Images Plurielles, Algeroid de Abed Abidat presents the result of 3 years of travel in the city of Algiers. The photographer has…

Yoshitomo Nara at Pace/MacGill Gallery

Pace/MacGill Gallery is honored to present yoshitomo nara: all things must pass, but nothing is lost / precious days around me, sometimes farther along, sometimes under my feet, a solo…

Magnum China

Magnum China, published by Thames & Hudson, explores the various approaches, practices, and projects of Magnum’s photographers in the country. The agency’s members have been witnesses to defining events, ructions,…

Peak Oil, Geert Goiris

On the occasion of the 7th edition of the PhotoSaintGermain festival, Rubis Mécénat and the Frac Normandie Rouen present a new hanging of the Peak Oil series, an order placed…

World Press Photo in Liège

From November 10, 2018 to January 13, 2019, the Territories of Memory will host the 61st World Press Photo exhibition at La Cité Miroir in Liège. This prestigious photojournalism competition…


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