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All photographic events in the world are listed in this section. Events such as photography exhibitions, festivals, art fairs, auctions… The Eye of Photography is the focal point to find the best photography events around you.

Kristian Gavoille – OnephotoOnedayOneyear

A succession of images made between April 10, 2020 and April 10, 2021. One photo per day on Instagram for 365 days. A collection of moments that pass. An ephemeris of moods, places,…

Trophées Huawei Next-Image – The 2021 Winner

Après 139 jours d’étude des photographies et de délibérations des juges, les Trophées HUAWEI NEXT-IMAGE 2021 couronnent leurs 70 lauréats et s’imposent comme l’un des concours de photographie les plus populaires et…

Initial Labo: David Bacher — « PARIS / NYC »

"PARIS/NYC" is the result of fifteen years of photography in these two mythical cities, which are close to photographer David Bacher's heart. The project was published in a photo book in…

CatchLight 2022 Visual Storytelling Summit

The non-profit media organization CatchLight will present its 2022 Visual Storytelling Summit April 19-20, 2022 at the Institute of Contemporary Art San Francisco.…


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