Corinne Mariaud is interested in the representation of bodies and her work as a photographer questions social codes, appearances, the place of women in society, gender stereotypes.
The FAKE i REAL ME series, produced in Asia (Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo), is based on portraits of young women who have had cosmetic surgery and use makeup, contact lenses, hair coloring to resemble their ideal beauty, and portraits of young men called “Flower Beauty Boys”, putting on makeup and giving themselves an androgynous appearance.
The young men in the Flower Beauty Boys series move away from the usual codes of masculinity and distance themselves from the diktat of society around manhood. In Japan, some claim a trend, the genderless Kei or ‘genderless’, non-binary style.
These two photographic sets raise all the questions about a certain representation of beauty, idealized and globalized, and about this frontier that the genre questions today.
Corinne Mariaud worked on this series for two years, traveling between Singapore, Japan and South Korea, researching her models through social media.
Exhibition curator Pascal Mirande
Corinne Mariaud : FAKE i REAL ME
Until March 6, 2021
Centre d’Art Carré Amelot La Rochelle
10 rue Amelot
17000 La Rochelle