Moments Before the Flood, is a visual and photographic investigation into how we will handle a possible flood. Within the text Carl De Keyzer wonders how Europe is preparing itself for a possible rise of our sea levels and how insufficient these measures appear to be. The author doesn’t want to photograph the disaster, but the ‘waiting for the disaster to happen’. In his photographs he captures the obscurity of the unknown and the unsure. The photographs presented in this book are monumental, both in beauty and in resolution. Carl De Keyzer used the latest technique (65 million pixels) to create intriguing images, with a highly David Lynch-like atmosphere.
Carl De Keyzer is an internationally celebrated photographer. He is a Magnum photo agency member and has produced several solo exhibitions internationally. Whilst at Lannoo Carl De Keyzer published the illuminating Congo (belge), a book filled with photographs on his search for the remainders of the Belgian colonisation in Congo.
Moments Before the Flood, Carl De Keyzer
Publisher: Lannoo Publishers
Pages: 280 – 320 mm x 320 mm
Illustrations: 250 colour