Carbon copy is a collaboration between twin sisters Noncedo and Nonzuzo. For as long as we can remember people were always fascinated about twins. It was both a great feeling because it made you feel special. It made you feel like there was something mystical about being a twin. The downside though was that you were not seen as individuals. Things like your name became important otherwise people did not care who they were calling out to and the excuse would be “ oh you guys look so similar, we can’t tell you apart” then people would look for ways to differentiate us, then you would hear things like “ Oh this one is ugly or this one fat”
I must say this was hard especially during our teens. It affected the other’s self-esteem. It became apparent that our community could break us by these little comments that were meant to be jokes, We found solace in Photography. Our mother had an old camera that we would play with. We realized that we loved taking pictures. We did for a long time but life happened. Somehow we were both drawn to photography so Noncedo went to study and then Nonzuzo is self taught.
The process has been really simple. We shot all the images ourselves. Camera on tripod. Wearing some of our favourite clothes. The clothes are a symbol of uniform
It is the love of photography that has brought us to this project. It is really about creating a visual and oral archive about twins and exploring the mythology around twins.
Stories about twins by twins
Q: how do you feel about being twins?
A (nzuzo): I feel is is a wonderful complex indescribable experience. Itis amazing to love someone completely with their flaws & they feel the same about you
A (ncedo): I feel it is a blessing. My sister and I have gotten to a stage where we understand each other. She is my best friend.
Q: how do you feel when people compare one to the other?
A (nzuzo): when one was younger, it was not nice…kind of left one with esteem issues but now that one is older I feel I understand that we are different with different strengths & weaknesses and it does not bother me at all.
A (ncedo): it saddens me sometimes that people do not understand that you are individuals , you have differet traits, bodies and lead different lives
Q: what is the most challenging thing about being twins?
A (nzuzo):I find that when we fight and don’t see eye to eye…it is terrible when you sulking and it feels like forever..I also think finding your feet as an for the longest time you have this person who is your ‘shadow’ then one day you wake and it’s like you are in different cities…can be hard
A (ncedo): When people do not believe that you are twins and they think you are being devious,it comes across as if you are a liar.
Q: what is the most wonderful thing about being twins?
A (nzuzo):it is nice to have someone who totally gets sometimes something would happen, you don’t have to say something to each other yet you know the other one understands..and I think that there is this one person who is like you is special..hard to put into words
A (ncedo): is that you are forever connected to someone,that no matter what happens your twin has your back. You have the most wonderful friendship&love
Q: what would you like people to know about twins?
A (nzuzo):twins are 2 different individuals just like them. Being compared to each other is not cool
And now we I get the whole fascination about twins…coz that is how I get when I see other twins…especially when you can’t tell them
A (ncedo):Twins are like everybody else. They are more special because they have a partner for life.