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Buenos Aires –Marcos Lopez


Marcos López’s large format color saturated prints give him a distinctive style that stands out among others. In ultimately kitsch scenarios, he describes a world, a continent, a country. He explores the concepts of patriotism and identity, first of Argentina, then of Latin America. In the background of his giant fresco presented at the YPF Foundation, this obvious reference to Mexican muralism features liberators San Martin and Bolivar, Presidents Chavez and Morales, as well as Che Guevara and an Aztec warrior. In the middle of the scene, the busts of the Perón couple float in a pool filled by Carlos Gardel, the King of Tango, observed by sewage workers imitating the Monument to the Malouine War Heroes, while at the same time invoking icons of pop art as Argentine basketball players on American teams watch from the sidelines. We’ve seen more palatable.

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