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Brussels 2012 : The Biennale Photographie & Architecture

The Faculté d’Architecture de Bruxelles (ULB) is hosting in March, April and May, the 4th edition of the Biennale de Photographie et d’Architecture. Marc Mawet, architect and ULB professor is the senior curator;  this year, he invited 10 photographers to present their work on the theme “Daily Spaces”.  With his eclectic selection, Marc Mawet hopes to reach beyond the apparent simplicity of the banal spaces we no longer notice, taking spectators on a journey into daily life. Stéphanie Lacombe invites us to share a meal with “The French during mealtime”, Bieke Depoorter brings us into the intimacy of the American families she met during her travels, knocking door to door; Jean-Christophe Béchet focused on daily life in his building courtyard and Laurence Vray foolowed Luc who sells ice-cream from his truck. Two reportages feature clandestine immigration with “Jungle” by Jean Révillard who studied migrant workers in Calais and their makeshift lodging, and Eric Aupol who covered a migrant community with “Vitae Nova”. Thomas Van Den Driessche takes us to Jamshedpur, India, the historical headquartes of the country’s largest industrial group, Jean Christophe Bardot covered the 150 families moving out of the Sémard neighborhood in the Plaine Saint-Denis while Mara Mazzanti secretly worked in a hotel inhabited by 60 transsexuals. Last but not least, architect Bernard Maines, offers a very graphic series of interior and exterior details of daily life.
Before each edition, applicants are invited to submit pictures to the Biennale with respect to the selected theme.  A jury of 8 photographers (Aglaé Bory, Catherine Lambermont, Damien Grenon, Gauthier Sibillat, Katherine Longly, Michel le Belhomme, Zoé Van Der Haegen et Nadja Groux) selects the images. Their works are exhibited alongside the official selection selected by the biennale curators. 

Biennale de « Photographie et Architecture », # 4
March-May 2012

Faculté d’architecture de l’ULB « La Cambre Architecture/Horta »
Place Flagey, 19
1050 Bruxelles
Tél : +32 (2) 640 96 96
Fax : +32 (2) 647 46 55

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