“Containment or how I escaped …” – After studying at the Estienne school, I became an advertising photographer, and shot portraits for the press. In parallel with this activity I work on a series of more personal photos often based on memory work.
The series “Containment or how I escaped …” started as a joke. It tells a story, that of George Harris (Me), a prisoner in Alcatraz and who escapes from it in the America of the 60s … A first image, I quickly saw that it amused my friends, I made a second one, at the third I realized that there was enough to occupy myself for two months and make a series, the stake being to shoot without leaving home and to manage with only what was available on hand. The images are broadcast at the rate of one every 2/3 days like a TV series that we would follow from episode to episode. The final image and the outcome will hopefully fall on May 11 this year. – Blaise Arnold