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Bercy Village : Emanuela Ascoli : Quebec, autumn in majesty


From January 18th to April 15th, 2024, Bercy Village becomes the space for National Geographic France. In collaboration with Bonjour Québec, the magazine exhibits 30 photos of autumn in Quebec, taken by the head of photography Emanuela Ascoli.

She traveled across Quebec (the Laurentians, Outaouais, Montérégie and Centre-du-Québec) to capture the essence of the province through her lens. Her journey took place in October 2023, in the heart of the autumn season, revealing panoramas with an exceptional palette of warm colors. Presented during the exhibition “Quebec, Autumn in Majesty”, her photos highlight not only the Quebec landscapes but also the cultural diversity and warm scenes of life that characterize Canada’s largest province. Through this captivating exhibition, Emanuela Ascoli invites the general public to (re)discover the beauty of Quebec and the richness of its natural and cultural heritage.


Emanuela Ascoli : Le Québec, l’automne en majesté
From January 18 to April 15, 2024
Bercy Village
28 rue François Truffaut
75012 Paris, France

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