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Beauvais : The Photaumnales festival


September 10th of last year, the Diaphane association inaugurated the 8th edition of the Photaumnales festival at Beauvais. Every year, the event is organized around a general theme. After “Quartiers libres” in 2009, “Brèves de vie” in 2010, the theme of this new edition will be “Ensemble”. Art directors Fred Boucher and Ardiana Wattel wish to build a coherence between the numerous featured photo exhibitions by means of a resident photographer. The exhibits will be shown in different venues in the city of Beauvais, but also in different galleries in the Picardie region until November 6th.

Resident photographer

Léo Delafontaine, a young photographer, 27 years old, began his residence in Beauvais from December 2010 to May 2011. During this photographic immersion, Léo Delafontaine set out to discover the different sisterhoods present in the city of Beauvais, including its seven catholic churches, 3 protestant temples, the synagogue and the mosque. In times where religious stigmatization has turned into a sensitive issue, the photographer felt that it was important to capture the ‘entente cordiale’ that can be experienced between each sisterhood, as well as its equal legitimacy. Or how to live its faith together.

The exhibition “d’Abraham” by Léo Delafontaine will be on display at the “Espace Culturel François Mitterrand” from September 10th through November 6th. A book has also been published by Diaphane.

The exhibitions at Beauvais
• Espace culturel François Mitterrand – Galerie Boris Vian – Rue de Buzanval in Beauvais

Karen Miranda Rivadeneira, Other stories / Historias bravas
• Galerie nationale de la tapisserie – 22 rue Saint Pierre in Beauvais

Joakim Eskildsen, The Roma Journeys
• Musée départemental de l’Oise – Rue du musée in Beauvais
Room under the construction of the Palais Episcopal:
Simon Roberts, We English
Rip Hopkins, Another Country, the British in France
Neal Slavin, Britons
Susan Trangmar, A play in time
In the Museum gardens:

Jean-Robert Dantou, Paysages de campagne – USA 2008 (Campaign landscapes of USA 2008)
Gilles Perrin, Majorettes
• Public area around the Saint-Pierre cathedral

Emmanuel Piau, All together! Portraits of a demonstrating France
•  University Center, UPJV, 52 bd Saint André in Beauvais

Peter Granser, Sun City
• Galerie de l’école élémentaire Paul Bert – 5 rue de Bretagne in Beauvais & Galerie de l’école primaire Jules Verne – 2-4 avenue Molière in Méru

Olivier Culmann, Watching TV
• L’Ecume du jour – 5 faubourg Saint Jacques à Beauvais
Moira Ricci, 20.10.53 – 10.08.04
• Beauvais-Tillé Airport, Terminal 1
Sébastien Camboulive,Trapani
Ambroise Tézenas, Stockholm

Exhibitions in the surroundings and in the Picardie region
• La grange – 479 route de Grandvilliers in Montreuil-sur-Brèche
Céline Clanet, Máze
• Espace Séraphine Louis – 11 rue du Donjon in Clermont

Cédric Martigny, Associations
• Galerie du lycée Jean Rostand – place Georges Paquier in Chantilly

Aurore Valade, Ritratti Torino

• Galerie du Chevalet – 6 place Aristide Briand in Noyon

Elaine Ling, Mongolia, Land of the deer stone
• Historial de la Grande Guerre – Château de Péronne
Bertrand Carrière, Ce qui demeure (What lingers)

Ericka Weidmann

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