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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Rubén Romano

Nopeyac Wo* (The Owner of the Shadows) This is a photographic work where a shaman from a Wichi indigenous community in Argentina intervened. He […]…

Aurélia Faudot

Unusual Insular This series of unusual images takes place in Belle Ile en mer ; a French rocky island off the coast of Brittany, where […]…

Louis Gaillard

Trait de Cote, Lignes de Crêtes Immediately to the south of the Arcachon Basin, the famous dune of Pilat and the ocean beaches are […]…

Eliza Bourner

The Act of Living explores the cultural malaise of postmodern living; alienation, loneliness and unease. Illustrating the mundane, my images address a contemporary fixation […]…

Matteo Placucci

The Tail of the Game is aimed to document the mental status of the single men travelling to Europe through the Balkan Route. During […]…


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