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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Kodachrome 2

An unlikely pilgrimage is under way to Dwayne’s Photo, a small family business that has through luck and persistence become the last processor in the world of Kodachrome, the first…

Kodachrome 3

Here is the text published yesterday by David Burnett on his blog: "Adios Amigo…Somewhere in the very late ‘60s, as a budding photojournalist, I began shooting color slide film. Ektachrome,…

Gideon Lewin –Fluid Beauty

Gideon Lewin was born in Jerusalem, Israel. He graduated from the Art Center College of Design, in Los Angeles, majoring in advertising and photography.Early in his career, he was studio…

James Welling –Glass House

“New Pictures 3: James Welling, Glass House” showcases an elegant photographic series of Philip Johnson’s modernist architectural masterpiece, Glass House (1949). Using a digital camera and color filters, Welling experiments…


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