The news fell at the end of the afternoon. Tim Hetherington was just killed in a mortar attack in Misrata, Libya. Chris Hondros, in critical condition, but alive. Then just…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Following injury to his head, Chris Hondros died a few hours after Tim. Wednesday, a photo that he had shot made the front page of the Washington Post. A man…
You don’t know this young man, yet, he is a Lettre de la Photographie idol. His name is Jose CarlosJoaquim, he is 32, married, has two children. He is also…
In the new wave of independent fashion publications, the Hungarian magazine The Room hold its rightful place among the top ones. In the new 13th issue, which just hit the…
David Schonauer begins the week with two portraits. The first is that of Republican Paul Ryan by Marco Grob (Time). A hero or a bandit? It all depends…
Featuring Works by Andre Kertesz, Brassai, Rudy Burckhardt, Daido Moriyama, Richard Avedon and Others. Including Property from the Estate of Ben Sonnenberg. Doyle New York will hold an auction of…
The Pulitzer Prize in the category “Feature Photography” was awarded to Barbara Davidson of the Los Angeles Times. For a distinguished example of feature photography in black and white or…
For a distinguished example of breaking news photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album, in print or…
With more than 4.5 million daily passengers, the Paris metro has the world’s highest traffic density! A veritable city under the city, it is also the venue for a diversity…