Pierre Apraxine is today a reference for photography collectors. His reputation in the field grew towards the end of the 1970’s when, as an advisor to the American industrialist Howard…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Donna Ferrato is organizing from July 23rd through July 31st a workshop on domestic violence. A subject she knows very well, as she has already published a book called Living…
It is a surprising picture. We are accustomed to seeing pictures of parents, grandparents, out-of-town aunts and uncles, nephews, nieces and cousins boating on the enchanted river of the…
As countries develop, a global homogeneity is also developing. A way of life can be found that traverses specific culture. For example, experiencing a shopping mall in Dubai, the US,…
The definition of a beautiful woman has always been a topic of discussion with varied answers primarily due to culturally specific tastes. Women in the Ndebele tribe in Africa and…
We have already made reference to this tribute book Three Boys from Pasadena (La Lettre, December 13, 2010). The Gallery acte2galerie has created a link to be diffused: ThreeBoysfromPasadena-thebook. …
I had never met Daniel Boudinet, but wrote a few lines about him in Libération, shortly after his untimely death, at 45, on August 12, 1990. Marie-Claude Beaud, then Director…
Along the roadway approaching Vancouver’s Rogers Arena last Wednesday, a string of objects and garbage lay strewn over the ground. Rioters, violently reacting to their team’s hockey defeat last Wednesday,…
Best known for the shocking beauty and provocative power of his hardcore images collected in monographs including Lost Boys and NYC Go-Go, Slava Mogutin’s new work featured in the exhibition…