On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Nevada Museum of Art, this Museum of ideas is releasing « Altered Landscape : Photographs of a Changing…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Shades of Love is a new book of photographs by Dimitris Yeros. In the 2011 July-September issue of Zoom magazine, Cristina Franzoni wrote: "Dimitris Yeros was born in 1948 in…
Six reportage stories in France today. Six writers and six photographers, with complementary visions. Six blogs shared with the residents. Six journeys back on the trails of…
GradeZero calls for a subjective and partial approach on the abandoned places and the industrial patrimony through seven different visions and aesthetics.…
To make up for loses at home, Western cigarette manufacturers have moved aggressively into markets overseas. In recent years, Asia has become the main market for tobacco companies, driven by…
For more than 4 years, from 2008 to 2011, I followed Belgian policemen in their cars, during their missions, everywhere in Nivelles. I discovered the violence of life on the…
Through the exchanged visions of a painter and a photographer, Cura Locura offers an unusual journey into the world of the spirits and to those who track down the origins…
La Bibliothèque nationale de France rend hommage à la collection Terre Humaine, fondée et dirigée depuis 1954 par Jean Malaurie, à l’occasion du don par les éditions Plon et par…