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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

China –Yue Liu

Yue Liu was born in 1981 in Shanghai, where he studied painting and sculpture at the College of Fine Arts. After graduating in 2005 he turned to photography, creating ‘image-objects’…

Chile –Nicolás Saéz

Architect Nicolás Sáez lives and works in Concepción, Chile, where he was born in 1973. A teacher at Bío-Bío University, he is also art director of the magazine Arquitecturas del…

Chile –Roberto Candia

Born in Puerto Montt in 1971, Roberto Candia lives and works in Chile. He has been working as a photojournalist for various newspapers and magazines since 1991 and joined Associated…

Cambodia –Hak Kim

Hak Kim was born in 1981 in Battambang province in Western Cambodia. A graduate of the National Institute of Management, he worked in tourism for several years, before taking up…

Brazil –Cia de Foto

Rooted in documentary, concerned with social issues, the kids from Cia de Foto never sign their images individually. They always discuss as a group the themes, aesthetic issues and choices…

Bahrein –Camille Zakharia

Camille Zakharia was born in 1962 in Tripoli, Lebanon. After obtaining his engineering degree he fled his country’s civil war, spent time in the United States, Turkey, Greece and Bahrain,…

Australie –Marian Drew

Internationally renowned artist Marian Drew, 51, lives in Brisbane, Australia, where she teaches photography at the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University. Her work is held in numerous public and…


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