1926 Le 28 décembre, naissance à Izmir, Turquie. …
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
Before transfering the body of Goksin Sipahioglu from Paris to Istanbul, the hearse stopped in front of the offices of Sipa Press in Paris. Under the direction of Mete Zinioglu,…
Many male photographers and journalists will pay homage to Goksin Sipahioglu. I would have liked a woman to talk about him of his acknowledgment of the feminine other.…
When former French President Jacques Chirac decorated Göksin with the French Legion d'Honneur in 2007, he declared: "Mr Göksin Sipahioglu, founder of Sipa Press, the greatest photo agency in the…
Göksin Sipahioglu died today. Long live the king! He was the king as a pioneer photojournalist, the king in shrewd business deals, the king at engineering a news ” coup”,…
It was a long time ago in the early eighties, when I was responsible for photography at Libération. We were a poor newspaper whose audience did not reflect the economic…
Göksin will be for all of us the sun of our early years. This sentence is from Alain Mingan, he knew and worked for the three mystical French Photo agencies…
I have been a photographer for six years. Since completing my studies in photography, I have begun to understand what this profession really means to me. Working as a photographer…
Born in 1976 in Germany and based in Berlin since 2009, I took my first photographs with a Kodak Tele-Ektra 42 at the age of six. Having spent almost a…