The Japanese have always known how to come to terms with the unpredictable and violent forces of nature that have shaped their sensitivity for centuries. Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and volcanic…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
December 2010. Protests take hold on a long-term basis in Tunisia and the dictatorial regime of President Ben Ali, in place for twenty-three years, is shaking under the pressure from…
They have very little power of speech, if none at all. Their particular body movements are an expression of their personality and seem to come from a make-believe and poetic…
20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this project depicts a country in search of identity, a land and its people, stuck between a soviet past, an unrecognized…
Through an ironic manipulation of identity, Je suis Winnie l’Ourson (I’m Winnie the Pooh) seeks to arouse some thought on the stigmatisation of the Other by presenting the fears that…
I suffered great pain, very great pain, when Didier Rapaud announced the loss of Göksin Sipahioglu on Wednesday morning. A very generous man, with immeasurable patience who welcomed me in August…
Göksin distributed roles with his long fingers. It’s difficult to remember his words. It was in making the impressive list of those whose lives he transformed by giving them…
His family name conjured the image of the spahi, the soldiers who went to war on horseback. His towering, lordly, sinewy stature made him a natural leader, both in the…
Göksin Sipahioglu evokes for me that imposing presence worthy of deference, not only for his allure, his imposing height – 6ft tall – and his age – 30 years my…