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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Dolce Claudia

In 1958 in Rome, in a modest, sunny apartment, Claudia Cardinale, barely 20, poses for a paparazzi. It’s the heyday of la dolce vita, roman-photos, and young actresses falling for their…

Sucheta Das

Bidi is a leaf-rolled cigar made of coarse tobacco prepared for smoking. Bidi industry is one of the foremost cottage industries in India. India’s rank varies between 4th and 5th in total…

Juha Karilo

Man versus machines, machines versus nature. Lonely, still there but no one to see, made by heart and wisdom to whom? Needed by all.…

Richárd Széman

Playful Kaleidoscope: random formation of colourful glass fragments. Useless items condemned to be thrown away; lifeless plants; animal skeletons; broken up clockwork; digital imprints of stones on digitalised surface of…

Carlo Rocchi Bilancini

At the 2001 Venice Biennale, the Argentine artist Leandro Erlich exhibited his now famous installation, Swimming Pool. In what appeared to be a fully equipped pool, people could be seen under…

Bogdan Gulyay

I'm a photographer from Chernihiv, Ukraine. This series is dedicated to the city I live. It's not large, but very pretty and quiet. And there are many beautiful girls leaving here.…

Send us your Portfolios

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world to show case their photographs.…


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