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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Beijing: CYJO

CYJO’s Mixed Blood series depicts a waypoint in humanity’s progress toward a more integrated society, with the family unit as its base -- as represented by specific families in two of the…

Ana Karina Delgado Diaz

Insha'Allah, Life in parentheses concerns a very personal perspective on an extraordinary meeting with a people whose life, -just like ours, the Colombian people-, lays framed in a conflict of…

Mark Dorf

Under condition of compulsive curiosity humanity has an undying need to dissect and understand our surroundings. We have an obsession and an immense desire for rules that act as umbrellas…

Giulia Berto

In a time in which metropolises are overpopulated and rents are constantly on the rise, vital space for human beings is reducing, becoming smaller and more suffocating year after year.…

Indra Widi

I was, no longer able to hear sound of the waves on the beach, as it was when I lived in Bali, but once, I was accompanied by the rush…

Send us your Portfolios

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world to show case their photographs.…


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