Jeff Whetstone’s photographs and videos explore the micro- and macro-economies and ecologies along the Mississippi River’s batture near New Orleans, Louisiana. “Batture” is the […]…
Author Efrem Zelony-Mindell
Clamorous wrath afflicts death, feeding newly ripe celebration. Ren Hang and I are the same age. It is vast feeling connected to such a bizarrely unique and quintessentially necessary stranger.…
How are things described? Is there potential and worthiness in an image, or are they more like memory? Separation and fusion are wanderers. Imaginative work tries to find parallels. Communed…
The body bears strange fruit. It shouldn’t be pinned down. It takes all—parts and light. A scene becomes a single sight, or a group. Together the form and volume of…
A world of ones and zeros, displayed digits and forgotten hands imbibe pockets and minds. Go to your street corner and engage those whose business it is to stock a…
Reality is disarrayed in specific images and iconic landscapes. There is an idea when you hear a word like park. An image grows; perhaps it blooms green in your mind…
Imagine a world endowed in the wonders and aesthetics of forgotten histories. It’s easy if you try. Decisions may not be nearly as based in mistakes as they are in…
In the darkness and dishonesty of abstraction there is a beautifully brooding reaction. It is very telling in its often-handcrafted purposefulness. It’s not that Dillon DeWaters is any more or…
Dehors sous le soleil implacable et la houlette de Thomas Roma, un square pour chiens devient un empire de poussière. Chez Roma, les apparences les plus simples sont trompeuses, et…