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Auckland Festival of Photography : NASA James Webb Telescope – Deep Space


Auckland Festival of Photography presents NASA James Webb Telescope – Deep Space.

This outdoor exhibition along Queens Wharf Fence features the most detailed — and extraordinary — images of distant spiral galaxies. If seeing is believing, then NASA’s imagery from the James Webb telescope speaks viscerally to what we feel when contemplating deep space and humanity’s existence in the vast expanse of the galaxies. Using infrared technology, Webb’s NIR-Cam (Near-Infrared Camera) has captured millions of images and transmitted them about 1.5 million kilometres back to Earth. What else do we believe is out there? This selection of images is being presented exclusively by the Auckland Festival of Photography in New Zealand, down on earth, as part of the ‘Believe’ theme. Queens Wharf exhibition is thanks to Eke Panuku Development.

Further along the waterfront a satellite offering of the ‘Believe’ [whakapono] suite of activities, with extra NASA James Webb Telescope deep space images displayed on outdoor lightboxes, situated at Karanga Plaza,
171 Halsey Street, from 24 May to 14 June. 24/7. Thanks to support by Auckland Council City Centre Activation and city centre targeted rate.


Auckland Festival of Photography
30 May -14 June, 2024

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