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Auckland Festival of Photography : James Whitlow Delano : Believe – Rainforest Sentinels


Auckland Festival of Photography presents a conceptual documentary series of black and white portraits, landscapes and mirages by James Whitlow Delano as part of the ‘Believe’ [whakapono] theme.

James has travelled extensively as a photojournalist and oftens covers stories of human interest of major news stories, he has been widely published internationally. Rainforest Sentinels is a reverential work integrating portraits of indigenous citizens in the many countries he worked on the series in, with the native rainforests and habitat where they live, with a conscious message of ancient wisdom and knowledge being connected to the natural world. It also acknowledges references to the spirits of the forest, land and nature which can be found in most ancient cultures, this work presents the viewer with a ambiguous commentary on the unseen, unspoken, the mystical world of native forests globally.

James Whitlow Delano has lived in Asia for over 20 years. His work has been awarded internationally: the Alfred Eisenstadt Award (from Columbia University and Life Magazine), Leica’s Oskar Barnack Emerging Award, Picture of the Year International, NPPA Best of Photojournalism, PDN and others for work from China, Japan, Afghanistan and Burma (Myanmar), etc..


Rainforest Sentinels series will be shown, in part also, at the Gantry area, Silo Park, Wynyard Quarter.
Outdoors, 24/7, free.
Thanks to Eke Panuku Development Ltd.

James Whitlow Delano : Believe – Rainforest Sentinels
Devonport Wharf, 1 Queens Parade, Devonport, Auckland CBD, Auckland
Tuesday 4 June 2024 – Sunday 30 June 2024 12:00am – 11:55pm

Auckland Festival of Photography

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