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RM : Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, Ramón Reverté : Las Mexicanas


Las Mexicanas is pocket-size volume which presents an entrancing selection of studio and vernacular photographs of Mexican women from the mid-19th century to the 1960s. Through the careful editing of photographer Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, the sequence of images coalesces into a narrative of women’s empowerment. As photographic technology advances in the book—transitioning from daguerreotypes to color film—so too do the rights of the women pictured, who become increasingly mobile, expressive and exposed. Yet, regardless of the era they belong to, all of the women appear intensely alive, emboldened by their position before the camera.

Las Mexicanas underscores the intimate and powerful relationship between the photographic medium, women and those who were fortunate to have a camera in their hands. Many of the images in this edition originate from a private collection, accumulated over a decade of visits to the flea markets of Mexico City, with the assistance of connoisseurs and support from booksellers and merchants. This particularity gives the volume a unique value, attracting an audience interested not only in antique photography and collectibles, but also in social sciences, feminism and cultural representations. Contextualizing these captivating images is an essay by author, sociologist and economist Brenda Navarro, author of the award-winning novels Empty Houses and Ash in the Mouth. A work that transcends time and space, Las Mexicanas celebrates the strength and diversity of Mexican women across generations, and serves as an essential item for those seeking to appreciate the richness of Mexico’s history and culture.


Las Mexicanas
Edited by Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, Ramón Reverté.
Foreword by Brenda Navarro.
Publisher RM
Paperback, 5.25 x 7.5 in.
128 pgs / 15 color.
ISBN 9788419233363
US $25.00 CDN $37.50

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