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Art Elysées 2012 : Galerie Kandler


Dédipix is a French term for an Internet phenomenon where users take nude or semi-nude photos of themselves, write a pseudonym on their body, and then post the photograph to their blogs, where other users (the average age is 14) leave comments. Behind this obsession with fame lies a desire to reveal oneself while maintaining one’s privacy. It represents a new ‘net memory,’ upsetting the limits between the public and the private.

The artist Lionel Bayol-Thémines has appropriated the principle of dédipix as a communication tool related to the evolution of communication systems of social networks. Adults write passages by famous novelists, philosophers and sociologists on their bodies to show what they are thinking, like graffiti.

Bayol-Thémines plans for his work to become global ,across several platforms. He already publishes the photos in real-time on Facebook. Dédipix to Futur is a sociological and anthropological experiment exploring our society. A visual artist, Lionel Bayol-Thémines lives and works in Paris. For twenty years his art has focused on the human body, man’s relation to history and evolution, and how that affects his identity.

Dédipix to Futur, Lionel Bayol-Thémines
Art Elysées Paris Art Fair 2012
Galerie Kandler – stand 131 A
October 18 – 22, 2012
Avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris – France
11h00 – 19h30

Galerie Kandler
14, rue Bayard
31000 Toulouse
Tél : +33 (0)5 61 63 85 11

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