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Arles 2024 : Galerie Ira Leonis : Françoise Huguier : L’exception Christian Lacroix


The Galerie Ira Leonis Arles, faithful to Françoise Huguier who has exhibited there for several years, offers for the 2024 Rencontres de la Photographie a set of exceptional images resulting from the complicity of the artist with the fashion designer Christian Lacroix, from the beginning of his Haute Couture House in the 80s/90s. More than 30 unique vintage photographs are on display, black and white and color. A sublime and moving testimony that honors the artist, the man and the designer.

We know the photographer for her unique series which show the diversity of the world with uncompromising sincerity.  We discover here how, by treating the world of fashion in her own way, she “sublimates” the imagination and creations of the Couturier…

In black and white, moreover, like no one has tried! but in color too, with the same genius of framing, “cutting” and scenography, because for her, there is no difference.

Finally, let us quote the words of Gérard Lefort so aptly expressed:

“ Françoise Huguier invented photography in painting. And it is naturally an art critical vocabulary that is used then. We will talk about volumes, thicknesses, materials, chromaticism, palette. What is literally extraordinary in the work of Françoise Huguier is that she imposes on photography, on photographic representation, the rediscovery of the madness of art, this completely ordinary madness that is freedom, no only to imitate reality, but also to invent it.”


Françoise Huguier : L’exception Christian Lacroix
From July 1 to August 30, 2024
Galerie Ira Leonis Arles
20 place de la république

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