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Arles 2024 : Galerie Actes Sud : Photographies au Saut du Lit


The Galerie Actes Sud presents the group exhibition Photographies au Saut du Lit “Photographies just waking up”. Many photographers have taken up the motif of the bed. Both intimate and universal, it allows us to reveal the home secrets, to tell the story of desire, dreams, mourning or violence, to bear witness to the opulence of some and the deprivation of others. This seemingly innocuous piece of furniture accommodates all stages of existence and seems to maintain a special relationship with the photographic medium, for which it all begins in the famous darkroom.

This exhibition, designed by Clara Bouveresse and Géraldine Lay, invites us to approach photography “horizontally”, traveling from bed to bed through dreams and encounters. It echoes the publication in 2023 of Photographies au saut du lit in the Photo Poche collection. Created in 1982 by Robert Delpire at the National Center of Photography, this collection offers reference books in an accessible format and price. In 2022, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the collection published by Actes Sud, the famous black cover was adorned with new colors.

Artists featured : Sophie Calle, Donna Gottschalk, François Hers, Félixe Kazi Tani, Dolorès Marat, Susan Meiselas, Klavdij Sluban, Bieke Depoorter.

Thanks to all the artists exhibited for their support and trust, to the Actes Sud bookstore, to the Association du Méjan, to the Galerie Marcelle Alix, to the Galerie Rouge, to Max Bonhomme, Hélène Giannecchini and Nesma Merhoum.

Curator: Clara Bouveresse & Géraldine Lay

Photographies au Saut du Lit
From Monday July 1, 2024 to Sunday September 29, 2024
Galerie Actes Sud
47 Rue du Dr Fanton
13200 Arles, France


Photographies au saut du lit
12.50 x 19.00 cm
144 pages
ISBN : 978-2-330-18286-1
Prix indicatif : 13.90€

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