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Arles 2024 : Centre Photographique Marseille : Grzegorz Przyborek : Toucher le silence


As part of the Rencontres d’Arles and the Grand Arles Express, the centre photographique de Marseille with the support of the Polish Institute of Paris and the Museum of Bydgoszcz  presents Grzegorz Przyborek exhibition.

Grzegorz Przyborek is one of the major figures of contemporary Polish photography.
For more than 40 years, he has been building a unique work, entirely made in his studio located on the 11th floor of a building in a district of Lodz!
His photographic universe is inspired by visions and dreams that are sometimes very concrete or more intimate but which are not devoid of a strong political dimension. Each image can take months to complete.


Grzegorz Przyborek : Toucher le silence
June 29 – September 21, 2024
Centre Photographique Marseille
74 rue de la Joliette
13002 Marseille

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