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Arles 2024 : Arles OFF Festival


The first edition of the OFF Arles Festival, supported by the Arlesian association La Kabine, takes place from July 1st to September 30th, 2024.

On the program: a paper guide and a mobile application to support visitors, OFF exhibitions, professional meetings, friendly moments around a coffee, screenings and a photographic prize. The festival joins forces with OFF Associés partners such as Fisheye, Fujifilm, Leica, the Fondation des Treilles, the UPP, and many others. More than 95 galleries are participating to this event, offering a journey full of surprises and photographic discoveries like a Pet Friendly tour!

The reception and information points will be located at the galerie QG at 7 rue Baléchou, all three months, while professional meetings will be held at Bar Le Printemps, 2 avenue Lafayette. Discussions and screenings will take place from July 2nd to 6th in the cour de l’Archevêché.

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