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Arles 2024 : A Remarkable Opening!


Monday morning, an unforgettable event upon my arrival in Arles, for the first day of the prestigious professional week of the Rencontres Photographiques d’Arles.

Coming out onto the Rue de la République, directly onto the Museon Arlaten, superbly restored by the department, surprise, surprise!

A picket line, two corrugated cardboard panels, an empty entrance: the museum is on strike. The day is well chosen, it is the day of the official inauguration of the 2024 Rencontres.

As an associated site, this year, the museum installed in its chapel a very beautiful exhibition of Hans Silvester’s photographs in a very appropriate cultural context.

Tuesday morning, the strikers settled around a few CGT banners. However, it seems that some visitors were abled to enter the museum grounds.

Let’s not complain, photography still remains at the forefront of current events.

Thierry Maindrault

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