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Arles 2023 : Saul Leiter : Assemblages


We often consider the photographs as important moments but they are in reality small fragments of an unfinished world, will say Saul Leiter. His own world is conceived in this way, like small fragments of images affixed, sewn together, which pile up and form vast and ever larger expanses. New York, paradigm of modernity, this city that beats time night and day will be for almost sixty years the place of his little aesthetic finds and optical inventions. Everything is a question of balance, accuracy and humility in the work of the man who nevertheless attached great importance to imperfection. The exhibition presented for the first time in Arles brings together a selection of photographs, drawings and paintings for the most part unpublished and invites us to discover a work where languages ​​rub shoulders, respond to each other, converse and tell us the vision of the world of one of the most fascinating photographic artist of the 20th century.

Palais de l’Archevêché

Arles 2023 – Les Rencontres de la Photographie
from July 3 to September 24, 2023
Opening week 3 – 9 July 2023

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