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Arles 2016 : Selections of Voies Off Awards


At the heart of the Festival, the Voies Off award is presented annually to an emerging talent in photography. Of the 1,496 applications received this year.  60 were selected for the programming of the Nights of the Festival. On the 9th  of July, at midnight, three of them will receive an award during the Closing Night of the Festival in the Cour de l’Archevêché.

The Voies Off Award is an international reference  for the discovery of young artists and to follow their photographic creation. It rewards the artist for the clarity of their vision and the quality of their work with a grant totalling 5,000€.

The SAIF Revelation Award: awarded since 2013 to an emerging photographic talent, chosen by SAIF and Voies Off. The winner of the SAIF Revelation Award receives a grant of 2,500€. Award : the laureate wins the publication of a portfolio and a text written by Christian Gattinoni, chief editor of

See 60 photographers selected for Voies Off Awards 2016 :

21th Voies Off Festival
Opening Week :: 4 > 9 July 2016
#ArlesOff2016 :: 100 Exhibitions :: 4 July > 25 September 2016
Free Entrance
• Screening Night Festival Voies Off
Cour de l’Archevêché in Arles, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 July – 10.30pm
Place Gustave Ferrié, quartier de Griffeuille in Arles,  8 July – 10.30pm
• Awards
Cour de l’Archevêché à Arles, 9 July – 12am

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