One portfolio, this is the last selection of Anne de Mondenard. One portfolio, with these flattering words ” We have a single portfolio to finish up the month of January but Thomas Vanden Driessche offers us several photographers in one. Enjoy!”
In February, it will be William Hunt who will select the portfolios.
5 portfolios, c’est la première sélection de William Hunt. William M. Hunt (Bill Hunt) est un collectionneur, curator et consultant basé à New York, passionné de photographie. L’année dernière, son livre The Unseen Eye: Photographs from the Unconscious a été publié par Thames & Hudson, Aperture et Acted Sud sous le titre L’Oeil invisible. Il est perpétuellement à la recherche de nouveaux photographes. is a New York-based collector, curator and consultant, a champion of photography. Last year his book The Unseen Eye: Photographs from the Unconscious was published by Thames & Hudson, Aperture, and Actes Sud as L’Oeil Invisible. He loves fresh talent.
Applicants must send a minimum of 7 images, and a maximum of 15 (1024 pixels, 72 dpi), along with a short text of presentation of their approach to photography also indicating age, nationality, and place of residence.