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Alexandre Dupeyron –Urban Monads


Seeing images from the inside, piercing substance, delving to the confines of the human mind, like a sleepwalker, his lens aiming a fixed point, Alexandre Dupeyron balances with the movement. From West to East, he roams the world. His photography reconnects us to an environment whose geographic identity has no importance.
He inhales and exhales between blur and high-definition. He seeks bridges. Inhabited by the desire to appropriate the passage between night and the dawn, Alexandre delivers his intimate view of life and traces his self in his photographs in intercrossing lines, the lines of memory.
From the shadows of limitless space, to an enlightened field of consciousness, he captures the colors of the soul that lie within each living being, each landscape. While the balance of the world is precarious, his adaptation helps us to resist. There are no states, no boundaries. Everything is the beginning of another territory.
In this interweave of two worlds, the subtle choreography hidden behind each of our choices is revealed: the amplitude of our acts. Capturing the essential while preserving a share of grace. Using blurred lines to denounce contours. Revealing without speaking. Searching without hastening. Remaining open to surprise.
The seeing artist captures the invisible creativity in each being, that of incessant metamorphosis. Beauty is indispensable to him to face the mortal fear of everyday routine. By battling time, he enters new spaces, carried by his love of nature and its living beings. Between a subtle world and reality, he reminds us of the fragility of existence and of the power of the soul.
Alexandre Dupeyron questions the human essence. Be it substance or non-substance, it is fleeting. Between daydreams and new horizons, he travels on the borders of reality without leaving the tangible world, seeking a connection between ephemeral truth and primal mystery. Our monad, or perfect unity, is formed from the duality that engenders life.
Alexandre Dupeyron welcomes us to this present, a transitory state, which will never again be the same in our memories. Each of us must adjust our focus.

Leila Tayebaly, Art curator – The Art Loft – Mumbai

Alexandre Dupeyron, 29 ans, franco-german.
Photography is Alexandre Dupeyron’s everyday from street photographs to photojournalism, to commercial, corporate or fine art photography. He is exploring photography in it’s all since his early thirteen.
Now based between Mumbai and Paris, he spent the last 6 years travelling the world on assignment, working in many different countries. In this series of photographs, Alexandre shows us his view of the world changed radically after the lost of his father two years ago. Made up of feelings as fear, love or anxiety, his photography has became since them easily recognized due to his use of blur. He blurs to make photography an artifact that shows a different reality. Only shapes remain. Everything in the frame remains equally impermanent. Form, shapes, people, background merge into pure mater. Blur traces become smudges that completely disrupt the reality, the photographs become a corruption of the reality. This alteration wrought by the blur is a metaphor for memory, and its degradation. It shows the fast-deteriorating or temporary nature of an object to a person.
Back in Paris for a few weeks, Alexandre is know looking for a gallery to work with.

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