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Sprengel Museum Hannover : SPECTRUM Internationaler Preis : Frida Orupabo


Frida Orupabo receives the SPECTRUM Internationaler Preis für Fotografie 2025 der Stiftung Niedersachsen.

The prize is endowed with 15,000 euros, a exhibition of her work at the Sprengel Museum Hannover and a publication. The Norwegian artist receives the prize for her photographic collages, in which she explores questions of identity, race, gender and the sexualised exploitation and objectification of black bodies in a special way. Frida Orupabo creates new narratives through artistic manipulation and emancipates her predominantly female figures.


Till July 20, at the Sprengel Museum Hannover
Kurt-Schwitters-Platz 1
30169 Hannover, Germany


Frida Orupabo is represented by Gallery Nordenhake (Berlin, Stockholm, Mexico City). Further information on the artist can be found on her website at

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