In 2016 & 2017 I took a road trip through southern and western Minnesota including parts of South Dakota and Iowa looking to make images of the ‘real’ America. It was miles between towns and sometimes miles between homes. It was not diverse, not thriving, a land locked in the past, the evidence from years of continual migration to urban areas on every Main Street we drove through. In retrospect it appears this is the America of the ‘forgotten men and women’ who made their voices loud and clear in the last election. This was Trumpland. I wanted to create a project that was documentary style. I decided to write captions for the photos that would help tell a story. The project is split into two parts. Part I, On the Run with Dick & Jane, is more of a narrative. Part II, Exiled from Main Street, is more prose style to capture the attitude of a town, an area that is slowly being smothered but at the same time holding on to hope.
I am hoping this project can eventually be presented in two separate and different formats. As a gallery type presentation as well as a more traditional poetry book. It will be published by Grey Borders Books in the fall of 2019.