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Yves Rousselet


… many are the statues but what is the status … of the hero …

On October 29, the Turkish Republic celebrated the centenary of its birth. It was established by Mustafa Kemal, known as Atatürk, hero of the War of Independence, who led his troops to victory in the battle against the occupying powers, the United Kingdom, France, Greece and Italy. His vision was to turn Turkey into a modern, secular, multi-ethnic state on the borders of Europe and Asia. Numerous political, social, legal, cultural, educational and economic reforms were implemented to enable the young nation to develop, emancipate and look resolutely towards the West. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who presided over the festivities, knows how to use the popularity and cult of personality of the founder of the republic to his own advantage, while at the same time making a clear break with the legacy of Ataturk and other religious beliefs … there are many statues, but what is the status … of the hero …

series of 16 color photographs taken in 2018 – 2022 – 23

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