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Xavier Blondeau



Have you ever had the feeling that your life was already mapped out? Like a trajectory that secures us by protecting us from the hazard. The present moment is then a point of balance between the immutable past and an assured future.

However, it would not be enough for the building to disappear at the bend of an unexpected encounter.

I looked for this singular moment where two trajectories collide to create a moment of surprise, like two elementary particles that generate an as yet unknown energy.

With a fixed frame and lighting that accompanies the light at the end of the day, I went in search of the other with this simple question: “can I take a picture of you?”. At this precise moment, everything is possible, a hesitation, a smile, a refusal, an indifference… The countdown has begun, yes I agree to interrupt my trajectory or not I continue my journey without looking back. Everything is played out at that moment, of course I hope to be able to create a parenthesis in these all traced trajectories, quite simply a look towards the Other.

Trajectoire(s) is the result of a succession of unexpected and ephemeral encounters, on the banks of the Rhône, in the city where everything is photography when summer arrives…

Xavier Blondeau, Arles 2023

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