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Wing Shya’s Sweet Sorrow: desolate human condition in Hong Kong


The cinematic is always present in the works on Hong Kong, Wing Shya started as the still shots photographer on the set of filmaker Wong Kar-Wai’s epic films. The design achieved in each scene is apparent from a photographer well versed in the language of fashion and cinema. Cute yet dirty, gritty yet glowing, sometimes dystopian, his scenes never leave anyone insensitive. Sweet Sorrow is his las photographic ode to what he calls “a desolate human condition that reads as a techni-colour love letter to the city that raised him”. “The city has served as a backdrop to what is really going on in the psyche of the Me Generation who grew up with smart phones and a heightened attention to all things visual,” he says. Sweet Sorrow is also an epic production which came with a price tag of 3 million hkd, involving a creative team close to a 100 people. It tackles a subject both intimate and personal: finding the sweet in the sorrow.


Wing Shya, Sweet Sorrow
Blue Lotus Gallery
1606 Chai Wan Industrial City, Phase 1
60 Wing Tai Road, Chai Wan
Hong Kong, China

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