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VASA : Małgorzata Wakuluk : Touch Untouchables


Touch Untouchables, the work on exhibition at VASA represents a commitment not only to making images but to the subject(s). Malgorzata Wakuluk did not enter the world of the “untouchables” for a short visit but stayed for the long term. She tried to know them and they her.

To let yourself be a subject transformed into an object by a click of a shutter is an act of trust and hope. The lives in her images cried out to be seen, to be touched by you the viewer. To be “untouchable” is in a manner of speaking, not to exist. Not to be touched, not to be seen, not to be valued, is not to be.

Wakuluk’s images in this exhibition cries out that they do exist, they have lives and and they are us.

Exhibition Curator: Roberto Muffoletto


To view the exhibition go to

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