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Vanessa von Zitzewitz : Contrastes


The Young Gallery is presenting « Contrastes » an exhibition by Vanessa von Zitzewitz that will run until the 13th February 2016. Vanessa von Zitzewitz is unveiling her work for the very first time in Belgium. Exhibiting her personal sphere  of predilection « Horses » and « Nudes »

The “Underwater Horses” series speak to horse enthusiasts and esthetes alike. Submerging viewers underwater to witness the majestic dance-like movements of d’Al Shaqab’s finest equine bloodstock. The public will also have the opportunity to discover an exclusive array of works from the magnificent art photo book « Horses of Qatar », published by teNeues.

Vanessa von Zitzewitz’s “Nudes” series is a tribute to women. The sensitivity of her vision is brought to light in the sensual and tasteful ‘mises-en -scenes’. The « Contrastes » exhibition displays some of her more classic works such as « Carla », « Snake » and « Sleeping Angel » as well as many other unique and never before seen pieces.

Vanessa von Zitzewitz
From December 4, 2015 to February 13th, 2016
Young Gallery
Avenue Louise 75B
1050 Bruxelles

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