A new photographic gallery project in Spain to exhibit and promote the photography of specific artist/photographers and to continue to establish photography. Valid Foto represents and promotes artists within the gallery itself as well as creating exhibitions for our artists in other venues.
GALERIA VALID FOTO BCN – Buenaventura Muñoz 6, Baixos – 08018 Barcelona
Actual exhibition:
Until the 26th of February, Valid Foto BCN Gallery presents
ON QUAN QUI? (Where When Who?), a collective exhibition in which five photographers offer a stark, and sometimes cynical, view of these non-places that trap us turning us into anonymous figures.
Ariadna Arnes,Jordi Canosa,Roger Grasas, Cesar Ordóñez, Alvaro
Sanchez Montañés.
Carolina Martínez
Galeria Valid Foto BCN
Buenaventura Muñoz 6, Baixos
08018 Barcelona