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UPP Survey Report – 1 year of Covid-19 crisis – April 2021


The UPP, Union of Professional Photographers has just carried out a survey to assess the profession after a year of activities affected by the crisis and the confinements.

Here it is, along with the editorial by the Secretary General:

My Metadata, I care about it!

In a letter of March 12, the UPP questioned the Minister of Culture on the issue of metadata. The European directive requires digital platforms to pay for texts, videos and still images. The advertising monetization around this content represents an annual market of over $ 300 billion. Let us not forget that the entry point to the Internet is the still image. Can photographers see any benefits? Initially, each photograph has its own “identity card” and yet only 3% of the 4 billion photographs shared daily on the internet still retain metadata giving informations on its author. This has  serious consequence allowing the unauthorized, illegal and unlimited reuse of photographs and interrupting the chain of traceability and therefore of remuneration. (…)

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