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Union des Photographes Professionnels : Clarisse Rebotier : 2054


Combining film photography with an unprecedented form of naturalization, the 2054 series was produced in partnership with the taxidermist of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. For a year, Clarisse Rebotier created installations: an interpretation of the Raft of the Medusa completed by a series of daily life scenes.

She created a technique of “ephemeral organic sculpture” that only photography could immortalize. The animals’ bodies are held in position for a very short period of time before collapsing. The shot must therefore be taken rapidly to capture the scenes.

2054 is an extraordinary series that questions our identity and what makes our condition as human beings, through the side step, the shift, and with this touch of humor and fantasy that characterizes the artist. A frontal series in tension between tragic and comic, which speaks directly to the body.

Between rejection and admiration for these dead animals which nevertheless seem so alive, the fascination we have with animals has challenged the artist. She chose to work with rats because it is the species with which we have the richest and most problematic relationship: it crystallizes disgust, attraction, identification and fear.

The series was presented by Éditions Hemeria at Paris Photo and at the Rencontres d’Arles; by the Émoi Photographic Festival; by the Hegoa gallery; by Villa Pérochon.

Clarisse Rebotier is a visual artist with an original profile because her photographic practice is rooted in the narration, staging and design of reality to create fiction.

First a visual artist photographer, Clarisse is now also a photojournalist. Her work is distributed by Divergence-Images. She is part of the AJSPI (Association of Scientific Journalists for Information) and collaborates with the Museum of Natural History in Paris and with the agency Look at Sciences.

This composite path is perceptible in her works. Her projects, nourished by her “Humanities”, are written and developed far ahead. She seeks to combine as accurately as possible the different modes of expression for her artistic purpose.

Her photographic work is exhibited in museums, galleries, fairs, art centers and institutions.

She has just published “AUTOUR” which combines texts and photographs,  Éditions Sous la glycine.


Listen to the interview with Brigitte Patient – Villa Pérochon production – 2021:


Photographs and taxidermies made by the artist.


Clarisse Rebotier : 2054
from June 08 to June 28, 2023
Union des Photographes Professionnels
11 Rue de Belzunce
75010 Paris 10th District

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