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Trans Photographic Press : Thierry Ledoux : Aude, a day in September


This is the most poignant book of the month: Aude, un jour de septembre ( Aude, a day in September) by Thierry Ledoux published by Trans Photographic Press.

This book is the story of feminicide, that of Aude, killed on September 24, 2017 by her partner.
She was thirty-four years old.
The photographs by Thierry Ledoux, punctuated with short texts by Louisette Battais, constitute a testimony/tribute of parents of the victim.
But, much more than a social, ordinary and traditional practice of photography, this book refers to a life trajectory, cut short too soon.
And above all, in the face of the atrocious statistics, it intends to campaign for the broadest recognition of these social crimes.

[…] “It must be admitted: It is hard to look thru the book .

However, if we want to pull the destiny of Aude and that of all the women victims of femicide from this unbearable cancellation of which they were the objects (by those who committed the crimes and by society which still struggles to recognize the nature of these crimes), we must do it.

Let’s open this book, turn the pages, and look. »[…]

Céline Delbecq (extract)


Thierry Ledoux : « Aude, un jour de septembre »
Trans Photographic Press
With a preface by Céline Delbecq and texts by Louisette Battais.
Hardcover book, hot stamped cover.
20 x 25 cm French format.
160 pages.
Printing of the 115 photographs in duotone on classic 170g coated paper.
ISBN 979-10-90371-65-1

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