In the Borderouge Nord neighborhood of Toulouse, the urban landscape is undergoing a complete transformation, with apartment buildings, offices, concerts, convenience stores and… contemporary art.
At the invitation of the BBB art center, and with the support of the Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Alain Bernardini will design and install images for public spaces, with the requirement that they be factual and recurrent. It’s a rather innovative proposal for the uses of outdoor photography.
Since the 1980s, Bernardini has regularly used employees in their own working and home environments. For this project, Recadré, a public commission, Bernardini wanted to shift the emphasis to both the figure of the worker and the local citizen, with the intention of creating a link between a unique artistic project, the citizens and the “users” of a territory undergoing total reconstruction.
The question of photography in public space allows him to examine and suggest another way of working. The installation of the photographs on doorframes erected in the streets allow him to “reframe” the meaning of the photographs in a way that does not convey a direct message or signal, like the flood of advertising images engulfing our cities.
Read the full article on the French version of L’Oeil.
“Recadrée”. Porte-Image.
Borderouge Nord. Toulouse, 2013
Photographs by Alain Bernardini,
2014 – 2017
Carré de la Maourine
Metro: Borderouge