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”Think We, Not Me or I”–The Dalai Lama


The 14th Annual Friends of Friends Photography Auction began last Tuesday night with a cocktail reception, followed by the annual Live Auction. The audience was a broad mix of private collector’s, Gallery Owners and Director’s, Curators and first timers. Many returning for their 14th year, know this auction is a great way to expand your Photography Collections with well known artists, while donating to the exceptional work being done at the Angkor Hospital for Children in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

In his opening speech, Friends Without A Border Founder, Kenro Izu, told the Auction audience: “I asked the Dalai Lama what is the key to Peace? He said, ‘Think We, not Me or I’”.

The Live Auction portion of the evening was fun, led by Auctioneer, Rick Wester, Director of Rick Wester Fine Art. Rick encouraged all of us to bid generously and loudly. A sample of the results to entice you to next year’s event: Elliott Erwitt’s “California 1955” sold for $4,200.; Saul Leiters’ “Postment 2, 1952”, donated by the artist courtesy of the Howard Greenberg Gallery, sold for $3,200.00; Andre Kertesz’ “Ernst, Paris 1931” sold for $2,000.; and Herb Ritts “Karen, 1989”, of model Karen Alexander, sold for $4,600.

–Elizabeth and William Avedon

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